
Application Specific ICs:
Closing the Gap between Research and Industry

Workshop on Design, Production and Industrialization of ASICs

Presentation [K. Schenk]:
"ASIC design for industry: The role of Academia"
Abstract: Many companies need ASICs for their products - to reduce production cost, to reduce product size, to reduce power consumption, to reduce the risk of copying. But most of these companies do not have own know-how and/or resources for ASIC design and need assistance or services from a design house or other experts. The presentation shows from academic viewpoint how UAS-institutes can help companies to get ASIC designs for their products.
presenter Biography: Prof. Karl Schenk got his dipl. El. Ing. from ETH Zurich in 1982 and worked about 10 years in medical electronics where he designed his first Gate Array in 1983. Since 1993 he is with the HTL Brugg-Windisch, now FHNW; and since 1999 he is head of the Institute of Microelectronics (IME) of the FHNW in Windisch. He was co-founder and president of MICROSWISS Network, today he is member of the excom of IEEE Switzerland section and of swissT.net and president of its section Research&Education.

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